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Charles Dickens Novels

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Great Expectations is a novel by Charles Dickens. It was first published in serial form in All the Year Round[1] from 1 December 1860 to August 1861. It has been adapted for stage and screen over 250 times.[2]
Great Expectations is written in the style of bildungsroman, which follows the story of a man or woman in their quest for maturity, usually starting from childhood and ending in the main character's eventual adulthood. Great Expectations is the story of the orphan Pip, writing about his life from his early childhood until adulthood and attempting to become a gentleman along the way. The novel can also be considered semi-autobiographical of Dickens, like much of his work, drawing on his experiences of life and people.
The main plot of Great Expectations takes place between Christmas Eve 1812, when the protagonist is about seven years old (and which happens to be the year of Dickens' birth), and the winter of 1840.[3]

Great Expectations adalah novel karya Charles Dickens. Ini pertama kali diterbitkan dalam bentuk serial di Semua Year Round [1] dari 1 Desember 1860 sampai Agustus 1861. Ini telah diadaptasi untuk panggung dan layar lebih dari 250 kali.
Great Expectations ditulis dalam gaya bildungsroman, yang mengikuti kisah tentang seorang laki-laki atau perempuan dalam upaya mereka untuk kematangan, biasanya mulai dari masa kanak-kanak dan berakhir pada akhir karakter utama dewasa. Great Expectations adalah cerita tentang anak yatim Pip, menulis tentang kehidupannya dari masa kecilnya sampai dewasa dan berusaha untuk menjadi seorang gentleman di sepanjang jalan. Novel ini juga dapat dianggap semi-otobiografi dari Dickens, seperti banyak dari karyanya, menggambar pada pengalaman hidup dan orang-orang.
Plot utama Great Expectations terjadi antara malam Natal 1812, ketika protagonis sekitar tujuh tahun (dan yang akan terjadi pada tahun Dickens 'kelahiran), dan musim dingin 1840.

Plot Summary

On Christmas Eve, young Pip, an orphan being raised by his sister and her husband, encounters a frightening man in the village churchyard. The man, a convict who has escaped from a prison ship, scares Pip into stealing him some food and a file to grind away his leg shackle. This incident is crucial: firstly, it gives Pip, who must steal the goods from his sister's house, his first taste of true guilt, and, secondly, Pip's kindness warms the convict's heart. The convict, however, waits many years to truly show his gratitude.
At his sister's house, Pip is a boy without expectations. Mrs. Joe beats him around and has nothing good to say about her little brother. Her husband Joe is a kind man, although he is a blacksmith without much ambition, and it's assumed that Pip will follow in his footsteps. Only when Pip gets invited unexpectedly to the house of a rich old woman in the village named Miss Havisham, does Mrs. Joe, or any of her dull acquaintances, hold out any hope for Pip's success.
Indeed, Pip's visits to Miss Havisham change him. Miss Havisham is an old woman who was abandoned on her wedding day and has, as a result, given up on life. She wears a yellowed wedding gown and haunts around her decrepit house, her only companion being Estella, her adopted daughter. Estella is beautiful, and Pip develops a strong crush on her, a crush that turns into love as he grows older. But it is unrequited love, as Miss Havisham has made it her dark life's project to raise Estella as a cruel-hearted girl who will break men's hearts, satisfying Miss Havisham's own desire to spurn love.
Pip frequently visits Miss Havisham, until one day she tells him never to return because the time has come for his apprenticeship with Joe to begin. Having tasted the spoils of a better life, Pip is miserable as a blacksmith and constantly worries that Estella will look through the forge window and see him as horribly common. Estella soon leaves the village, and things progress until one day Mrs. Joe suffers an attack which leaves her mute and incapacitated, although a lot nicer. A young girl about Pip's age, Biddy, comes to live at the house in order to care for Mrs. Joe. Pip again settles into his routine until one night at the village bar a London lawyer, Jaggers, approaches Pip, revealing startling news: Pip has inherited a lot of money from an anonymous benefactor and must leave for London immediately, to become a gentleman.
In London, Pip studies with a tutor and lives with a new and close friend, Herbert. Pip is certain that his benefactor is the rich Miss Havisham. In addition, he becomes convinced that Miss Havisham's financial support, toward his elevated social status, is the result of her desire that he may marry Estella someday. Pip passes many years in London; he remains ashamed of Joe, and they grow apart, Mrs. Joe dies, and though he falls harder and harder for Estella--who seems to get colder and colder by the day--he never confesses his love. Among the people he knows in London are Wemmick, a clerk in Jaggers' office who becomes a friend, and Bentley Drummle, a horrible brute of a boy who begins to make moves on Estella.
One stormy night, Pip learns the true identity of his benefactor. It is not Miss Havisham (who has made many misleading comments indicating it was her), but rather a petty criminal named Magwitch. Magwitch is the convict Pip fed in the churchyard many years ago, and he's left all his money to Pip in gratitude for that kindness, and also because young Pip reminded him of his own child, whom he thinks is dead. The news of his benefactor crushes Pip--he's ashamed of him, and worse yet, Magwitch wants to spend the rest of his days with Pip. Pip takes this on like a dreadful duty, and it's all the worse because Magwitch is a wanted man in England, and will be hung if he's caught.
Eventually, a plan is hatched by Herbert and Pip, whereby Pip and Magwitch will flee the country by rowing down the river and catching a steamer bound for Europe. This must be done on the sly, and further complicating matters is the fact that an old criminal enemy of Magwitch's, Compeyson, is hot in pursuit. Compeyson, it's discovered, is the same man that swindled and abandoned Miss Havisham so many years back. Miss Havisham, meanwhile, is softening a bit, and seems repentant for her life-long mission against love.
Estella has been married to Bentley Drummle, a marriage that anyone can see will be an unhappy one. Just before Pip is to flee with Magwitch, he makes one last visit to Miss Havisham, and finds her filled with regret, wanting his forgiveness. Unfortunately, she gets a little too close to the fire and sets herself ablaze. Pip heroically saves her, but she's badly burned and does eventually die from her injuries.
Pip and Magwitch, along with Herbert and another friend, Startop, make a gallant attempt to help Magwitch escape, but instead he's captured--pointed out, in fact, by his old enemy Compeyson. Compeyson dies in the struggle, and Magwitch, badly injured, goes to jail. Pip by now is devoted to Magwitch and recognizes in him a good and noble man. Magwitch dies, however, not long before he's slated to be executed. Pip has discovered that Magwitch is actually Estella's father, and on Magwitch's deathbed Pip tells Magwitch his discovery, and also that he loves Estella.
Without money or expectations, Pip, after a period of bad illness during which Joe cares for him, goes into business overseas with Herbert. Joe has married Biddy, and after eleven relatively successful years abroad, Pip goes to visit them out in the marshes. They are happy and have a child, whom they've named Pip. Finally, Pip makes one last visit to Miss Havisham's house, where he finds Estella wandering. Her marriage is over, and she seems to have grown kinder, and wants Pip to accept her as a friend. When the novel ends, it seems that there is hope that Pip and Estella will finally end up together.

Pada malam Natal, muda Pip, seorang anak yatim piatu yang dibesarkan oleh saudara perempuannya dan suaminya, bertemu dengan seorang pria menakutkan di gereja desa. Laki-laki, seorang narapidana yang telah melarikan diri dari penjara kapal, takut mencuri Pip ke dia beberapa makanan dan file untuk menggiling pergi belenggu kakinya. Peristiwa ini penting: pertama, memberikan Pip, yang harus mencuri barang-barang dari rumah kakaknya, yang pertama benar rasa bersalah, dan, kedua, Pip's kebaikan menghangatkan hati narapidana. Narapidana, bagaimanapun, menunggu bertahun-tahun untuk benar-benar menunjukkan rasa terima kasihnya.
Di rumah kakaknya, Pip adalah anak laki-laki tanpa harapan. Mrs Joe beats dia sekitar dan tidak ada yang baik katakan tentang adik laki-lakinya. Suaminya Joe adalah pria yang baik, meskipun ia adalah seorang pandai besi tanpa banyak ambisi, dan ini diasumsikan bahwa Pip akan mengikuti jejaknya. Hanya ketika Pip diundang secara tak terduga ke rumah seorang wanita tua kaya di desa bernama Miss Havisham, apakah Mrs Joe, atau tumpul-nya kenalan, bertahan Pip harapan bagi kesuksesan.
Memang, Pip's kunjungan ke Miss Havisham mengubahnya. Miss Havisham adalah seorang perempuan tua yang ditinggalkan pada hari pernikahannya dan memiliki, sebagai akibatnya, menyerah pada hidup. Ia memakai gaun pengantin menguning dan menghantui di sekeliling rumah jompo, satu-satunya pendamping yang Estella, anak angkat nya. Estella indah, dan mengembangkan Pip naksir yang kuat padanya, naksir yang berubah menjadi cinta ketika ia tumbuh dewasa. Tapi itu tak terbalas cinta, sebagai Miss Havisham telah membuatnya menjadi gelap nya hidup proyek untuk membesarkan Estella sebagai gadis berhati kejam yang akan menghancurkan hati manusia, Miss Havisham memuaskan keinginan sendiri untuk menghinakan cinta.
Pip sering dilihat Miss Havisham, sampai suatu hari dia mengatakan dia tidak pernah kembali karena sudah tiba saatnya untuk magang dengan Joe untuk memulai. Setelah mencicipi rampasan kehidupan yang lebih baik, Pip adalah sengsara sebagai pandai besi dan Estella kekhawatiran yang terus-menerus akan melihat melalui jendela dan bengkel melihatnya sebagai Common mengerikan. Estella segera meninggalkan desa, dan hal-hal kemajuan sampai suatu hari Mrs Joe mengalami serangan yang membuat dirinya bisu dan lumpuh, meski jauh lebih baik. Seorang gadis muda tentang usia Pip, Biddy, datang untuk tinggal di rumah untuk merawat Mrs Joe. Pip lagi mengendap ke dalam rutinitas sampai suatu malam di bar desa pengacara London, Jaggers, pendekatan Pip, mengungkapkan berita mengejutkan: Pip telah mewarisi banyak uang dari donatur anonim dan harus berangkat ke London segera, untuk menjadi seorang pria.
Di London, Pip studi dengan guru dan hidup dengan yang baru dan teman dekat, Herbert. Pip yakin bahwa dermawan adalah kaya Miss Havisham. Selain itu, ia menjadi yakin bahwa Miss Havisham dukungan keuangan, ke arah status sosial tinggi, merupakan hasil dari keinginannya bahwa ia dapat menikah dengan Estella suatu hari nanti. Pip melewati bertahun-tahun di London; ia tetap malu Joe, dan mereka tumbuh terpisah, Mrs Joe meninggal, dan meskipun ia jatuh lebih keras dan lebih keras untuk Estella - yang tampaknya lebih dingin dan lebih dingin dari hari ke hari - ia tidak pernah mengaku-nya cinta. Di antara orang-orang yang tahu di London Wemmick, Jaggers seorang pegawai di kantor yang menjadi teman, dan Bentley Drummle, kasar mengerikan dari seorang anak lelaki yang mulai membuat bergerak pada Estella.
Suatu malam hujan badai, Pip mengetahui identitas sesungguhnya dari dermawan. Itu bukan Miss Havisham (yang telah membuat banyak komentar menyesatkan itu menunjukkan dirinya), melainkan seorang penjahat kecil bernama Magwitch. Magwitch adalah narapidana Pip makan di halaman gereja bertahun-tahun yang lalu, dan ia meninggalkan semua uangnya untuk Pip dalam rasa syukur atas kebaikan itu, dan juga karena Pip muda mengingatkannya pada anaknya sendiri, yang dia pikir sudah mati. Berita dari meremukkan dermawan Pip - dia malu pada dirinya, dan lebih buruk lagi, Magwitch ingin menghabiskan sisa hari-harinya dengan Pip. Pip mengambil seperti ini pada tugas yang mengerikan, dan itu semua lebih buruk karena ingin Magwitch adalah laki-laki di Inggris, dan akan digantung jika dia tertangkap.
Akhirnya, sebuah rencana yang menetas oleh Herbert dan Pip, dimana Pip dan Magwitch akan meninggalkan negara oleh mendayung menyusuri sungai dan menangkap sebuah kapal menuju Eropa. Hal ini harus dilakukan secara rahasia, dan selanjutnya hal-hal rumit adalah kenyataan bahwa pidana tua musuh Magwitch's, Compeyson, panas dalam pengejaran. Compeyson, itu ditemukan, adalah orang yang sama yang ditipu dan ditinggalkan Miss Havisham bertahun-tahun kembali. Miss Havisham Sementara itu, pelunakan sedikit, dan sepertinya bertobat untuk hidupnya selama misi melawan kasih.
Estella telah menikah dengan Bentley Drummle, pernikahan yang siapa pun dapat melihat akan menjadi tidak bahagia satu. Tepat sebelum Pip adalah untuk melarikan diri dengan Magwitch, ia membuat satu kunjungan terakhir Miss Havisham, dan menemukan dirinya penuh dengan penyesalan, menginginkan pengampunan-Nya. Sayangnya, dia mendapat sedikit terlalu dekat dengan api dan menetapkan dirinya terbakar. Pip heroik menyelamatkan dirinya, tapi dia terbakar dan tidak parah akhirnya meninggal dari luka-lukanya.
Pip dan Magwitch, bersama dengan Herbert dan teman lain, Startop, membuat usaha gagah berani untuk membantu Magwitch melarikan diri, tapi malah dia ditangkap - menunjukkan, pada kenyataannya, oleh musuh lamanya Compeyson. Compeyson mati dalam perjuangan, dan Magwitch, terluka parah, pergi ke penjara. Pip sekarang dikhususkan untuk Magwitch dan mengakui dalam dirinya yang baik dan laki-laki yang mulia. Magwitch mati, Namun, tidak lama sebelum dia dijadwalkan akan dieksekusi. Pip telah menemukan bahwa sebenarnya Estella Magwitch ayah, dan pada Magwitch's sekarat Pip Magwitch mengatakan penemuan, dan juga bahwa ia mencintai Estella.
Tanpa uang atau harapan, Pip, setelah periode yang buruk penyakit selama Joe peduli untuk dia, masuk ke luar negeri bisnis dengan Herbert. Joe telah menikah Biddy, dan setelah sebelas tahun yang relatif sukses di luar negeri, Pip pergi untuk mengunjungi mereka di rawa-rawa. Mereka bahagia dan punya anak, yang mereka telah bernama Pip. Akhirnya, Pip membuat kunjungan terakhir Miss Havisham rumah, di mana ia menemukan Estella mengembara. Pernikahannya berakhir, dan ia tampaknya telah tumbuh baik hati, dan ingin Pip untuk menerimanya sebagai seorang teman. Ketika novel berakhir, tampaknya bahwa masih ada harapan bahwa Pip dan Estella akhirnya akan berakhir bersama-sama.

Original ending

Pip meets Estella on the streets. Her abusive husband Drummle has died, and she has remarried, to a doctor. Estella and Pip exchange brief pleasantries, after which Pip states while he could not have her in the end, he was at least glad to know she was a different person now, somewhat changed from the coldhearted girl Miss Havisham had reared her to be. The novel ends with Pip saying he could see that "suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham's teaching and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be."
The revised, widely published ending follows the paragraph " 'My dear Biddy, I have forgotten nothing in my life that ever had a foremost place there, and little that ever had any place there. But that poor dream, as I once used to call it, has all gone by Biddy, all gone by!' " and begins "Nevertheless, I knew while I said those words..."
The full text of the original ending is: "It was two years more before I saw herself. I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband, who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, brutality, and meanness. I had heard of the death of her husband from an accident consequent on ill-treating a horse, and of her being married again to a Shropshire doctor who, against his interest, had once very manfully interposed on an occasion when he was in professional attendance upon Mr. Drummle, and had witnessed some outrageous treatment of her. I had heard that the Shropshire doctor was not rich, and that they lived on her own personal fortune. I was in England again - in London, and walking along Piccadilly with little Pip - when a servant came running after me to ask would I step back to a lady in a carriage who wished to speak to me. It was a little pony carriage which the lady was driving, and the lady and I looked sadly enough on one another.
'I am greatly changed, I know, but I thought you would like to shake hands with Estella, too, Pip. Lift up that pretty child and let me kiss it!' (She supposed the child, I think, to be my child.) I was very glad afterwards to have had the interview, for in her face and in her voice, and in her touch, she gave me the assurance that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham's teaching, and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be."

Original Berakhir

Pip bertemu Estella di jalanan. Kejam nya suami Drummle telah meninggal, dan dia telah menikah lagi, ke dokter. Estella dan pertukaran Pip basa-basi singkat, setelah itu negara-negara Pip sementara ia tidak bisa dia pada akhirnya, ia paling tidak senang mengetahui dia adalah orang yang berbeda sekarang, agak berubah dari gadis coldhearted Miss Havisham telah dibesarkan dia menjadi. Novel berakhir dengan Pip mengatakan ia dapat melihat bahwa "telah menderita lebih kuat daripada Miss Havisham ajaran dan telah memberinya hati untuk memahami apa yang hati saya dulu."
Yang telah direvisi, diterbitkan secara luas mengakhiri paragraf berikut "" Sayangku Biddy, saya lupa apa-apa dalam hidupku yang pernah memiliki tempat utama di sana, dan sedikit yang pernah punya tempat di sana. Tetapi itu mimpi buruk, ketika aku pernah digunakan untuk memanggil itu, memiliki semua pergi oleh Biddy, semua yang telah berlalu! " "Dan mulai" Namun demikian, saya tahu ketika saya mengucapkan kata-kata ... "
Teks lengkap berakhir asli adalah: "Itu dua tahun lagi sebelum aku melihat dirinya. Aku pernah mendengar tentang dirinya sebagai pemimpin yang paling tidak bahagia kehidupan, dan sebagai yang terpisah dari suaminya, yang telah menggunakan dirinya dengan penuh kekejaman, dan yang telah menjadi cukup terkenal sebagai senyawa kebanggaan, kebrutalan, dan kekejaman. Aku pernah mendengar tentang kematian suaminya dari akibat kecelakaan pada mengobati sakit-kuda, dan dalam dirinya menikah lagi dengan seorang dokter yang Shropshire, melawan minat , pernah sangat gagah sela pada suatu kesempatan ketika ia berada di atas kehadiran profesional Mr Drummle, dan telah menyaksikan beberapa perlakuan kasar darinya. Aku pernah mendengar bahwa dokter Shropshire tidak kaya, dan bahwa mereka hidup di atas kekayaan pribadi. Aku berada di Inggris lagi - di London, dan berjalan bersama Piccadilly dengan sedikit Pip - ketika seorang pelayan datang berlari mengejar saya untuk bertanya akan aku melangkah kembali ke seorang wanita di sebuah kereta yang ingin berbicara kepadaku. Itu adalah kereta kuda poni yang kecil wanita mengemudi, dan wanita dan saya cukup sedih melihat satu sama lain.
"Saya sangat berubah, aku tahu, tapi saya pikir Anda ingin berjabat tangan dengan Estella, juga, Pip. Mengangkat anak yang cantik dan biarkan aku mencium itu! " (Dia seharusnya anak, saya pikir, untuk anak saya.) Aku sangat senang setelah itu untuk punya wawancara, untuk di wajah dan dalam suaranya, dan dalam menyentuh, dialah yang memberi jaminan bahwa penderitaan telah kuat daripada Miss Havisham ajaran, dan telah memberinya hati untuk memahami apa yang hati saya dulu. "

Major Characters

Pip: Pip is an orphaned boy raised by his domineering sister and her kind husband, and his life and expectations make for the drama of the novel. A mysterious benefactor enables Pip to escape a destiny as the village blacksmith, and he travels to London as a teenager to become a 'gentleman.' Pip's perception of his life and prospects (especially his prospects with Estella) change dramatically when he's twenty-three, when he learns that his benefactor is not a rich old lady, but a common convict. Ultimately, Pip comes to appreciate the convict as a benefactor and a friend.
Miss Havisham: A bitter old woman, whose life effectively stopped when she was abandoned on her wedding day. Half a century after this disappointment, Miss Havisham still wears a yellowing wedding gown, and has made it her life's purpose to raise Estella, whom she's adopted, as a cruel-hearted woman who'll break the hearts of men. Miss Havisham is rich too, and deceives Pip by implying that she's his benefactor. Near the end of the novel she realizes her cruelties are nearly unforgivable, although she dies not long after this realization.
Magwitch (or Provis, Mr. Campbell, the convict, the shackled man): Magwitch and Pip first meet when Pip is a boy and Magwitch an escaped convict. Magwitch does not forget Pip's kindness in the marshes, and later in life devotes himself to earning money that he anonymously donates to Pip. Eventually, Magwitch comes to London to see his 'gentleman,' and after Pip's shock and shame wear off, the two become friends. Ever a convict, however, Magwitch is captured by the police. Just before he is sentenced to hang, he dies.
Estella: Estella is Miss Havisham's adopted daughter and her project in cultivated cruelty. Raised by the old woman to be cruel and hard to men, Estella, a great beauty, entrances Pip. She is mean to Pip for most of his life, although at the novel's end they meet again, and she seems to be a softened, changed woman. Estella is another child of mysterious parentage, and Pip eventually learns that she's Magwitch's daughter.
Herbert (or the pale young gentleman): Pip first meets Herbert as a boy at Miss Havisham's, where they get into an odd sparring match. Later, when Pip travels to London, he is reunited with Herbert, who is his tutor's son. Herbert is Pip's greatest friend and closest confidant, and the only person Pip can confide in when he discovers his benefactor's identity. Herbert and Pip eventually leave London and work together in Cairo.
Joe: Joe is Pip's sister's husband, a kind-hearted blacksmith who Pip greatly admires as a boy. With the onset of his riches, however, Pip becomes ashamed of Joe, and the two don't see each other much for many years. Later, when Pip falls sick, Joe nurses him back to health and pays off all of his debts. Joe is often in Pip's mind as a reminder of the simple and honest life he left behind, when he left the marshes.
Mrs. Joe: Mrs. Joe is Pip's sister, who raises Pip with a heavy hand and is a generally unpleasant woman until a mysterious intruder clobbers her with an iron shackle. After this, Mrs. Joe turns kind, though she is almost completely incapacitated. She dies while Pip is in London.
Jaggers: Jaggers is the conniving lawyer that handles Pip's money affairs. A hard man with little sympathy, he keeps the identity of Pip's benefactor a secret for many years.
Biddy: Biddy is an orphaned girl about Pip's age who is Pip's first real teacher, and then lives in Pip's childhood home as Mrs. Joe's caretaker. Pip sometimes gets romantic notions that he can live a simple married life with Biddy, but it's ultimately Joe that she marries.
Wemmick: Wemmick is a clerk in Jaggers' office, and in that setting he's a fairly tight and unsympathetic man. But when Wemmick leaves the office and returns to his home and his old father, he turns into a completely different person. The 'home Wemmick' becomes a friend of Pip's, who gives him advice and helps with Magwitch's escape.
Compeyson (or the second shackled man): Compeyson is the second, and cruel-hearted convict that young Pip encounters on the marshes. Compeyson is the groom-in-abstencia who swindled Miss Havisham, and he was once Magwitch's criminal boss. Compeyson and Magwitch hate each other, and it's Compeyson that points the police to Magwitch during his escape.
Molly: Molly is Jaggers' housekeeper, a suspected murderess that Jaggers successfully defended and afterwards took on as a domestic helper. Pip discovers that Molly and Magwitch were once in love, and that she is Estella's mother.
Older Pip: The narrator of the novel is Pip, recounting his story as an older man. Older Pip often gives comments to indicate he's learned some lessons as a result of living through the story he's telling.

Minor Characters

Uncle Pumblechook: Uncles P is Joe's uncle, and a particularly sycophantic man. Pumblechook is mean to Pip when he's poor and without expectations, and then fawns over him when he becomes rich, even encouraging a rumor that he is Pip's benefactor.
Mr. Wopsle: Mr. Wopsle is a friend of Pip's family. Tremendously fond of his own voice, Wopsle comes to London when Pip is living there, and stars in some dreadful theater productions.
The Hubbles: They are a silly husband and wife who come to Christmas dinner at Mrs. Joe's early in the novel.
Trabb's boy: The village tailor's son, he taunts Pip.
Orlick: A gruff and unpleasant character, Orlick works for a time as Joe's journeyman. He has a crush on Biddy.
Matthew Pocket: Pocket is Pip's frazzled, but kind-hearted tutor. Mr. Pocket is Herbert's father and Miss Havisham's cousin.
Mrs. Pocket: She is married to Mr. Pocket, and a spacey woman obsessed with the slight possibility that she might be related to royalty.
Startop: He is a friend Pip makes in London. Startop is also one of Mr. Pocket's tutorees, and he eventually helps Pip and Magwitch in their escape.
Bentley Drummle: Bentley is a brutish boy, who Pip despises. Drummle pursues Pip's love, Estella.
Sarah Pocket: Sarah is one of Miss Havisham's groveling relatives.
The Aged Parent: Wemmick's kind, and very deaf, old father.
Pepper (or the Avenger): Pepper is a boy Pip employs as an odd-jobs sort of domestic helper at Barnard's Inn.
Clara: Clara is Herbert's fiancé and later, his wife.
Trabb: Trabb is the village tailor. Trabb also organizes Mrs. Joe's overdone funeral.
Miss Skiffens: She is Wemmick's friend, and later, wife.
Clarriker: Clarriker is the merchant who Pip pays to take Herbert on as a business partner. Pip later works with Clarriker, as well.

Karakter utama

Pip: Pip adalah anak yatim piatu dominan dibesarkan oleh saudara perempuan dan suami baik, dan hidupnya dan harapan buat untuk drama dari novel. Seorang dermawan misterius Pip memungkinkan untuk menghindari sebuah takdir sebagai desa pandai besi, dan dia pergi ke London sebagai seorang remaja untuk menjadi seorang 'gentleman. " Pip's persepsi dalam hidupnya dan prospek (terutama para prospek dengan Estella) berubah secara dramatis ketika dia dua puluh tiga, ketika dia mengetahui bahwa dermawan bukan wanita tua yang kaya raya, tetapi narapidana yang umum. Pada akhirnya, Pip datang untuk menghargai narapidana sebagai dermawan dan seorang teman.

Miss Havisham: Seorang wanita tua pahit, yang hidupnya secara efektif berhenti ketika dia ditinggalkan pada hari pernikahannya. Setengah abad setelah kekecewaan ini, Miss Havisham masih memakai gaun pengantin yang menguning, dan telah membuatnya menjadi tujuan hidupnya untuk membesarkan Estella, yang dia angkat, sebagai wanita yang berhati kejam yang akan menghancurkan hati manusia. Miss Havisham juga kaya, dan menyesatkan Pip oleh menyiratkan bahwa dia dermawan-nya. Menjelang akhir novel dia menyadari kekejaman nya hampir tak termaafkan, meskipun ia mati tidak lama setelah kesadaran ini.

Magwitch (atau Provis, Mr Campbell, para narapidana, laki-laki yang dibelenggu): Magwitch dan Pip pertama kali bertemu ketika Pip adalah seorang anak laki-laki dan Magwitch narapidana yang melarikan diri. Tidak lupa Magwitch Pip's kebaikan di rawa-rawa, dan kemudian dalam hidup mengabdikan dirinya untuk menghasilkan uang yang menyumbangkan untuk Pip anonim. Akhirnya, Magwitch datang ke London untuk melihat 'gentleman,' dan setelah Pip's shock dan rasa malu hilang, kedua menjadi teman. Pernah seorang narapidana Namun, Magwitch ditangkap oleh polisi. Tepat sebelum ia dihukum gantung, dia mati.

Estella: Estella adalah Miss Havisham anak angkat dan proyek di budidaya kekejaman. Dibesarkan oleh wanita tua untuk menjadi kejam dan keras untuk laki-laki, Estella, keindahan besar, pintu masuk Pip. Dia bermaksud Pip bagi sebagian besar hidupnya, meskipun pada akhir novel mereka bertemu lagi, dan ia tampaknya menjadi melunak, berubah perempuan. Estella adalah anak lain misterius orangtua, dan Pip akhirnya belajar bahwa dia Magwitch putri.

Herbert (atau pemuda pucat): Pip pertama bertemu Herbert sebagai seorang anak laki-laki di Miss Havisham's, di mana mereka masuk ke perdebatan yang aneh cocok. Kemudian, ketika Pip perjalanan ke London, ia bertemu kembali dengan Herbert, yang adalah putra gurunya. Herbert adalah Pip teman terbesar dan terdekat kepercayaannya, dan satu-satunya orang Pip dapat curhat ketika ia menemukan identitas para dermawan. Herbert dan Pip akhirnya meninggalkan London dan bekerja sama di Kairo.

Joe: Joe adalah adik Pip suami, yang baik hati pandai besi yang sangat mengagumi Pip sebagai seorang anak laki-laki. Dengan terjadinya karena kekayaannya, bagaimanapun, menjadi malu Pip Joe, dan kedua tidak melihat satu sama lain banyak selama bertahun-tahun. Kemudian, ketika Pip jatuh sakit, Joe kembali ke perawat kesehatan dan terbayar semua utang-utangnya. Joe seringkali dalam benak Pip sebagai pengingat dari kehidupan sederhana dan jujur yang ditinggalkannya, ketika ia meninggalkan rawa-rawa.

Mrs Joe: Mrs Joe Pip lain, yang menimbulkan Pip dengan tangan yang berat dan tidak menyenangkan yang umumnya wanita sampai clobbers penyusup misterius nya dengan belenggu besi. Setelah ini, Mrs Joe bergantian baik, meskipun dia hampir sama sekali tidak mampu. Dia meninggal sementara Pip adalah di London.

Jaggers: Jaggers adalah licik Pip pengacara yang menangani urusan uang. Seorang pria keras dengan sedikit simpati, ia terus identitas Pip's dermawan rahasia selama bertahun-tahun.

Biddy: Biddy adalah seorang gadis yatim piatu tentang usia Pip yang nyata pertama Pip guru, dan kemudian tinggal di rumah masa kecil Pip sebagai Mrs Joe pengasuh. Pip kadang-kadang mendapat ide-ide romantis bahwa ia dapat menjalani kehidupan pernikahan sederhana dengan Biddy, tapi akhirnya Joe bahwa dia kawin.

Wemmick: Wemmick adalah Jaggers seorang pegawai di kantor, dan dalam menetapkan dia yang cukup ketat dan pria tidak simpatik. Tapi ketika Wemmick meninggalkan kantor dan kembali ke rumahnya dan ayah tua, ia berubah menjadi orang yang sama sekali berbeda. The 'rumah Wemmick' menjadi teman Pip's, yang memberinya nasihat dan membantu dengan Magwitch melarikan diri.

Compeyson (atau dibelenggu kedua laki-laki): Compeyson adalah yang kedua, dan kejam-hati narapidana yang Pip muda pertemuan di rawa-rawa. Compeyson adalah pengantin pria-di-abstencia yang tertipu Miss Havisham, dan ia pernah Magwitch bos kriminal. Compeyson dan Magwitch saling membenci, dan itu poin Compeyson bahwa polisi untuk Magwitch selama melarikan diri.

Molly: Molly Jaggers 'pengurus rumah tangga, yang diduga pembunuh yang Jaggers berhasil mempertahankan dan setelah itu mengambil sebagai pembantu rumah tangga. Pip menemukan bahwa Molly dan Magwitch pernah jatuh cinta, dan bahwa dia adalah ibu Estella.

Tua Pip: Narator novel ini Pip, menceritakan kisahnya sebagai pria yang lebih tua. Pip tua sering memberikan komentar untuk menunjukkan dia belajar beberapa pelajaran sebagai akibat dari hidup melalui cerita dia menceritakan.

Pop Minor

Paman Pumblechook: paman Joe P adalah paman, dan laki-laki yang sangat bersifat menjilat. Pumblechook adalah bermaksud Pip ketika dia miskin dan tanpa harapan, dan kemudian fawns atas dirinya ketika dia menjadi kaya, bahkan mendorong desas-desus bahwa ia adalah Pip's dermawan.

Mr Wopsle: Mr Wopsle adalah teman dari keluarga Pip. Sangat menyukai suaranya sendiri, Wopsle datang ke London ketika Pip yang tinggal di sana, dan bintang-bintang di beberapa produksi teater mengerikan.

The Hubbles: Mereka adalah suami dan istri konyol yang datang untuk makan malam Natal di Mrs Joe awal dalam novel.

Trabb's boy: Desa putra penjahit, ia ejekan Pip.

Orlick: Sebuah karakter kasar dan tidak menyenangkan, Orlick bekerja untuk sementara waktu sebagai pekerja harian Joe. Dia naksir Biddy.

Matius Pocket: Pocket adalah Pip's letih, tapi baik hati tutor. Mr Pocket adalah Herbert ayah dan Miss Havisham sepupu.

Mrs Pocket: Ia menikah dengan Tuan Pocket, dan seorang wanita lalai terobsesi dengan sedikit kemungkinan bahwa ia mungkin berkaitan dengan royalti.

Startop: Dia adalah teman Pip membuat di London. Startop juga merupakan salah satu dari Mr Pocket's tutorees, dan ia akhirnya membantu Pip dan Magwitch dalam pelarian mereka.

Bentley Drummle: Bentley adalah anak laki-laki kasar, yang Pip membenci. Pip Drummle mengejar cinta, Estella.

Sarah Pocket: Sarah adalah salah satu Miss Havisham's permohonan kerabat.

The Aged Parent: Wemmick's baik, dan sangat tuli, ayah tua.

Lada (atau Avenger): Pepper adalah anak laki-laki Pip mempekerjakan sebagai pekerjaan yang aneh-jenis pembantu rumah tangga di Barnard's Inn.

Clara: Clara Herbert tunangan dan kemudian, istrinya.

Trabb: Trabb adalah penjahit desa. Trabb juga menyelenggarakan berlebihan Mrs Joe pemakaman.

Miss Skiffens: Dia adalah teman Wemmick, dan kemudian, istri.

Clarriker: Clarriker adalah pedagang yang Pip membayar untuk mengambil Herbert sebagai mitra bisnis. Pip kemudian bekerja dengan Clarriker, juga.

Style and Themes

Great Expectations is written in first person and uses language and grammar that has, since the publication of Great Expectations, fallen out of common use. The title Great Expectations refers to the 'Great Expectations' Pip has of London and of becoming a gentleman.[7] Great Expectations is a bildungsroman. A novel depicting growth and personal development, in this case, of Pip.
The main themes of Great Expectations are those of crime, social class and ambition. From an early age, Pip feels guilt. He is also afraid that someone will find out about the crime and arrest him. The theme of crime comes in even greater effect when Pip discovers that his benefactor is in fact a convict. Pip has an internal struggle with his conscience throughout the book. Great Expectations explores the different social classes of Victorian England. Throughout the book, Pip becomes involved with all of them, from criminals like Magwitch to the extremely rich like Miss Havisham. Pip has great ambition, as demonstrated constantly in the book. If Pip did not have ambition, he would have never gone to London, he would have stayed as a lowly blacksmith.[8]

Gaya dan Tema

Great Expectations ditulis dalam orang pertama dan menggunakan bahasa dan tata bahasa yang telah, sejak penerbitan Great Expectations, jatuh dari penggunaan umum. Great Expectations judul mengacu pada 'Great Expectations' Pip memiliki London dan menjadi seorang gentleman. [7] Great Expectations adalah sebuah bildungsroman. Sebuah novel yang menggambarkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pribadi, dalam hal ini, dari Pip.
Tema utama dari Great Expectations adalah orang-orang dari kejahatan, kelas sosial dan ambisi. Dari usia dini, Pip merasa bersalah. Ia juga takut bahwa seseorang akan mencari tahu tentang kejahatan dan menangkapnya. Tema kejahatan datang dalam efek yang lebih besar ketika Pip menemukan bahwa dermawan pada kenyataannya seorang narapidana. Pip memiliki perjuangan internal dengan hati nurani di seluruh buku. Great Expectations mengeksplorasi kelas sosial yang berbeda Victoria Inggris. Sepanjang buku ini, Pip menjadi terlibat dengan mereka semua, dari penjahat seperti Magwitch untuk yang sangat kaya seperti Miss Havisham. Pip memiliki ambisi besar, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam buku terus-menerus. Jika Pip tidak memiliki ambisi, ia tidak akan pernah pergi ke London, ia akan tetap tinggal sebagai pandai besi rendah. [8]

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens


David Copperfield is a bildungsroman, the story of the narrator's life from early childhood to maturity. In it Copperfield describes the obstacles he overcame and the unhappy events he lived through before becoming a successful novelist in later years.
The book is an expert blend of fiction and autobiography. While Dickens was not an orphan, he felt abandoned by his parents during the harsh experiences of his early years.David Copperfield 's father had died before his birth and his mother dies when he is twelve years old. David had led a happy life with his mother and the housekeeper Peggotty until his mother's second marriage to Murdstone, who beats David severely and whose treatment breaks his mother's spirit and finally causes her death.


David Copperfield adalah bildungsroman, kisah kehidupan narator dari masa kanak-kanak sampai dewasa. Di dalamnya menggambarkan Copperfield ia berhasil mengatasi rintangan dan kejadian yang tidak bahagia hidup melalui sebelum menjadi novelis yang sukses di tahun-tahun berikutnya.

Buku adalah seorang pakar paduan fiksi dan otobiografi. Sementara Dickens tidak yatim piatu, ia merasa ditinggalkan oleh orang tuanya pada pengalaman-pengalaman keras years.David awal Copperfield 's ayahnya meninggal sebelum ia lahir dan ibunya meninggal ketika dia berusia dua belas tahun. David telah memimpin hidup bahagia bersama ibu dan pengurus rumah ibunya Peggotty sampai pernikahan kedua Murdstone, yang mengalahkan David parah dan perawatan yang mematahkan semangat ibunya dan akhirnya menyebabkan kematiannya.

Plot Summary

David Copperfield records the life experiences of the title character as he grows from impressionable youth through adulthood. His experiences shape his character and shape the choices he is forced to make. The people involved in his life, with their positive and negative influences, play a role in determining who he will become. This classic coming-of-age tale explores nineteenth century social conditions and their affect on one person,David Copperfield.
David's early childhood is spent in pleasant isolation with his mother and their devoted servant, Peggotty. An early visit to Peggotty's family introduces David to Emily, his first crush. This pleasant isolation changes abruptly when his mother marries Mr. Murdstone. The arrival at David's home of Mr. Murdstone and his sister, Miss Murdstone, tears David apart from his naive and weak willed mother.

Ringkasan plot

David Copperfield mencatat pengalaman hidup dari judul karakter ketika ia tumbuh dari mudah dipengaruhi pemuda sampai dewasa. Pengalamannya membentuk karakter dan bentuk pilihan-pilihan yang dia dipaksa untuk membuat. Orang-orang yang terlibat dalam hidupnya, dengan pengaruh positif dan negatif, memainkan peran dalam menentukan siapa yang akan menjadi. Klasik ini datang-of-usia abad kesembilan belas cerita mengeksplorasi kondisi sosial dan mempengaruhi mereka pada satu orang, David Copperfield.

Daud anak usia dini dihabiskan di isolasi menyenangkan dengan ibunya dan pelayan setia mereka, Peggotty. Kunjungan awal keluarga Peggotty memperkenalkan David kepada Emily, crush pertamanya. Isolasi perubahan yang menyenangkan ini tiba-tiba ketika ibunya menikah Mr Murdstone. Kedatangan di David rumah Mr Murdstone dan saudara perempuannya, Miss Murdstone, air mata David terpisah dari naif dan lemah menghendaki ibu.

Plot summary

The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr Edward Murdstone. David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr Murdstone's sister Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on.
David returns home for the holidays to find out that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die and David has to return home immediately. Mr Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory. His landlord, Mr Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison (the King's Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.
He walks all the way from London to Dover, to find his only relative, his aunt Miss Betsey. His eccentric Aunt Betsey Trotwood agrees to bring him up, despite Mr Murdstone visiting in a bid to regain custody of David. David's aunt renames him 'Trotwood Copperfield', soon shortened to "Trot", and for the rest of the novel he is called by either name, depending on whether he is communicating with someone he has known for a long time, or someone he has only recently met.
The story follows David as he grows to adulthood, and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave and re-enter his life. These include Peggotty, his faithful former housekeeper for his mother, her family, and their orphaned niece Little Em'ly who lives with them and charms the young David. David's romantic but self-serving schoolfriend, Steerforth, seduces and dishonors Little Emily, triggering the novel's greatest tragedy; and his landlord's daughter and ideal "angel in the house," Agnes Wickfield, becomes his confidante. The two most familiar characters are David's sometime mentor, the constantly debt-ridden Mr Wilkins Micawber, and the devious and fraudulent clerk, Uriah Heep, whose misdeeds are eventually discovered with Micawber's assistance. Micawber is painted as a sympathetic character, even as the author deplores his financial ineptitude; and Micawber, like Dickens's own father, is briefly imprisoned for insolvency.
In typical Dickens fashion, the major characters get some measure of what they deserve, and few narrative threads are left hanging. Dan Peggotty safely transports Little Em'ly to a new life in Australia; accompanying these two central characters are Mrs. Gummidge and the Micawbers. Everybody involved finally finds security and happiness in their new lives in Australia. David first marries the beautiful but naïve Dora Spenlow, but she dies after failing to recover from a miscarriage early in their marriage. David then does some soul-searching and eventually marries and finds true happiness with the sensible Agnes, who had secretly always loved him. They have several children, including a daughter named in honor of Betsey Trotwood.


Cerita berkaitan dengan kehidupan David Copperfield dari masa kanak-kanak sampai dewasa. David lahir di Inggris pada sekitar 1820. Ayah David meninggal enam bulan sebelum ia lahir, dan tujuh tahun kemudian, ibunya kawin Mr Edward Murdstone. David diberikan alasan yang baik untuk tidak menyukai ayah tirinya dan memiliki perasaan yang sama untuk Mr Murdstone lain Jane, yang bergerak ke dalam rumah segera setelah itu. Mr Murdstone thrashes David untuk jatuh di belakang dengan studinya. Setelah salah satu thrashings, David gigitan-nya dan dikirim ke sekolah asrama, Salem House, dengan kepala sekolah yang kejam, Mr Creakle. Di sini ia berteman dengan James Steerforth dan Tommy Traddles, keduanya ia bertemu lagi di kemudian hari.

David pulang ke rumah untuk liburan untuk mengetahui bahwa ibunya telah memiliki bayi laki-laki. Segera setelah David akan kembali ke Salem House, ibunya dan bayinya mati dan David harus kembali ke rumah segera. Mr Murdstone mengirim dia untuk bekerja di sebuah pabrik di London, yang Murdstone adalah pemilik bersama. Realitas suram tangan ke mulut keberadaan pabrik gema Dickens 'kerja keras sendiri di sebuah pabrik pingsan. Pemilik-Nya, Mr Wilkins Micawber, dikirim ke penjara debitur (King's Bench Penjara) setelah bangkrut, dan ada untuk beberapa bulan sebelum dibebaskan dan bergerak ke Plymouth. David kini telah ada tersisa untuk merawat dia di London, dan memutuskan untuk melarikan diri.

Dia berjalan sepanjang jalan dari London ke Dover, untuk menemukan satu-satunya relatif, bibinya Miss Betsey. Nya Bibi Betsey Trotwood eksentrik setuju untuk membawa dia, meskipun Mr Murdstone mengunjungi dalam upaya untuk mendapatkan kembali hak asuh Daud. David's bibi mengganti nama dia "Trotwood Copperfield ', segera disingkat menjadi" Trot ", dan selama sisa novel ia disebut dengan nama baik, tergantung pada apakah ia berkomunikasi dengan seseorang yang telah dikenal untuk waktu yang lama, atau seseorang yang telah hanya baru-baru ini bertemu.

Cerita berikut Daud ketika ia tumbuh dewasa, dan dihidupkan oleh banyak tokoh-tokoh terkenal yang masuk, keluar dan masukkan kembali hidupnya. Ini termasuk Peggotty, mantan pembantu rumah tangga yang setia untuk ibunya, keluarganya, dan mereka keponakan Little Em'ly yatim yang tinggal bersama mereka dan pesona David muda. David romantis tapi egois schoolfriend, Steerforth, menggoda dan dishonors Little Emily, memicu tragedi terbesar novel; dan putri tuan tanah dan ideal "malaikat di dalam rumah," Agnes Wickfield, menjadi kepercayaannya nya. Dua karakter paling akrab adalah kapan Daud mentor, utang terus-menerus dilanda Mr Wilkins Micawber, dan licik dan curang petugas, Uriah Heep, yang pada akhirnya akan ditemukan kesalahan dengan bantuan Micawber. Micawber dilukis sebagai karakter simpatik, bahkan sebagai penulis menyesalkan kebodohan keuangannya dan Micawber, seperti Dickens ayah sendiri, secara singkat dipenjarakan karena bangkrut.

Dickens khas fashion, karakter utama mendapatkan beberapa ukuran dari apa yang mereka layak, dan sedikit narasi benang yang tersisa menggantung. Dan aman angkutan Peggotty Little Em'ly ke kehidupan baru di Australia; menyertai kedua karakter sentral Mrs Gummidge dan Micawbers. Semua orang yang terlibat akhirnya menemukan keamanan dan kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan baru mereka di Australia. David pertama kawin dengan indah tapi naif Dora Spenlow, tapi ia meninggal setelah gagal pulih dari keguguran di awal pernikahan mereka. David kemudian melakukan beberapa pencarian jiwa dan akhirnya menikah dan menemukan kebahagiaan sejati dengan Agnes masuk akal, yang diam-diam selalu mencintainya. Mereka memiliki beberapa anak, termasuk anak perempuan bernama untuk menghormati Betsey Trotwood.


The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.
Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman, i.e., a novel of self-cultivation, and would be influential in the genre which included Dickens's own Great Expectations (1861), Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, published only two years prior, Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butler's The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wells's Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, and James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Tolstoy regarded Dickens as the best of all English novelists, and considered Copperfield to be his finest work, ranking the "Tempest" chapter (chapter 55, LV - the story of Ham and the storm and the shipwreck) the standard by which the world's great fiction should be judged. Henry James remembered hiding under a small table as a boy to hear instalments read by his mother. Dostoyevsky read it enthralled in a Siberian prison camp. Franz Kafka called his first book Amerika a "sheer imitation". James Joyce paid it reverence through parody in Ulysses. Virginia Woolf, who normally had little regard for Dickens, confessed the durability of this one novel, belonging to "the memories and myths of life". It was Freud's favourite novel.


Cerita ini menceritakan hampir seluruhnya dari sudut pandang orang pertama narator, David Copperfield sendiri, dan merupakan novel Dickens pertama untuk melakukannya.

Kritis, itu dianggap sebagai Bildungsroman, yaitu, novel diri budidaya, dan akan berpengaruh dalam genre yang termasuk sendiri Dickens Great Expectations (1861), Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre, yang diterbitkan hanya dua tahun sebelum, Thomas Hardy's Yudas Abstrak , Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh, HG Wells Tono-Bungay, DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, dan James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist sebagai Young Man.

Tolstoy Dickens dianggap sebagai yang terbaik dari semua novelis Inggris, dan dianggap Copperfield untuk menjadi karya terbaik, peringkat "Tempest" bab (bab 55, LV - kisah Ham dan badai dan kapal karam) standar yang besar di dunia fiksi harus dinilai. Henry James ingat bersembunyi di bawah meja kecil sebagai anak laki-laki untuk mendengar angsuran dibaca oleh ibunya. Dostoyevsky terpesona membacanya di sebuah kamp penjara Siberia. Franz Kafka disebut buku pertamanya Amerika yang "imitasi belaka". James Joyce membayarnya penghormatan melalui parodi dalam Ulysses. Virginia Woolf, yang biasanya memiliki sedikit hal untuk Dickens, mengakui keawetan satu novel ini, milik "kenangan dan mitos kehidupan". Ini adalah novel favorit Freud.

Characters in David Copperfield

• David Copperfield – An optimistic, diligent, and persevering character, he is the protagonist. He is later called "Trotwood Copperfield" by some ("David Copperfield" is also the name of the hero's father, who dies before David is born). He has many nicknames: James Steerforth nicknames him "Daisy", Dora calls him "Doady", and his aunt refers to him, as a reference to his would-be sister (if he had been born a girl), in and on "Trot" - as in Betsey Trotwood Copperfield.
• Clara Copperfield – David's kind mother, described as being innocently childish, who dies while David is at Salem House. She dies just after the birth of her second child, who dies along with her.
• Peggotty – The faithful servant of the Copperfield family and a lifelong companion to David (referred to at times as Mrs. Barkis after her marriage to Mr. Barkis). Inherits £3,000—a large sum in the mid-19th century—when Mr. Barkis dies. After his death, she becomes Betsey Trotwood's servant.
• Betsey Trotwood – David's eccentric and temperamental yet kindhearted great-aunt; she becomes his guardian after he runs away from Grinby and Murdstone's warehouse in Blackfriars (London). She is present on the night of David's birth but leaves after hearing that Clara Copperfield's child is a boy instead of a girl.
• Mr. Chillip – A shy doctor who assists at David's birth and faces the wrath of Betsey Trotwood after he informs her that Clara's baby is a boy instead of a girl.
• Mr. Barkis – An aloof carter who declares his intention to marry Peggotty. He says to David: "Tell her, 'Barkis is willin'!' Just so." He is a bit of a miser, and hides his surprisingly vast liquid wealth in a plain box labeled "Old Clothes". He bequeaths to his wife the then astronomical sum of £3,000 when he dies about ten years later.
• Edward Murdstone – Young David's cruel stepfather, who canes him for falling behind in his studies. David reacts by biting Mr Murdstone, who then sends him to Salem House, the private school owned by his friend Mr. Creakle. After David's mother dies, Mr Murdstone sends him to work in a factory, where he has to clean wine bottles. He appears at Betsey Trotwood's house after David runs away. Mr Murdstone appears to show signs of repentance when confronted with Copperfield's aunt, but later in the book we hear he has married another young woman and applied his old principles of "firmness."
• Jane Murdstone – Mr. Murdstone's equally cruel sister, who moves into the Copperfield house after Mr. Murdstone marries Clara Copperfield. She is the "Confidential Friend" of David's first wife, Dora Spenlow, and encourages many of the problems that occur between David Copperfield and Dora's father, Mr. Spenlow. Later, she rejoins her brother and his new wife in a relationship very much like the one they had with David's mother.
• Daniel Peggotty – Peggotty's brother; a humble but generous Yarmouth fisherman who takes his nephew Ham and niece Emily into his custody after each of them has been orphaned. After Emily's departure, he travels around the world in search of her. He eventually finds her in London, and after that they emigrate to Australia.
• Emily (Little Em'ly) – A niece of Mr. Peggotty. She is a childhood friend of David Copperfield, who loves her in his childhood days. She leaves her cousin and fiancé, Ham, for Steerforth, but returns after Steerforth deserts her. She emigrates to Australia with Mr. Peggotty after being rescued from a London brothel.
• Ham Peggotty – A good-natured nephew of Mr. Peggotty and the fiancé of Emily before she leaves him for Steerforth. He later loses his life while attempting to rescue a sailor, who happens to be Steerforth, from a shipwreck. His death is hidden from his family due to the fact that David does not want them to worry on the brink of their journey.
• Mrs. Gummidge – The widow of Daniel Peggotty's partner in a boat. She is a self-described "lone, lorn creetur" who spends much of her time pining for "the old 'un" (her late husband). After Emily runs away from home with Steerforth, she changes her attitude to better comfort everyone around her and tries to be very caring and motherly. She too emigrates to Australia with Dan and the rest of the surviving family.
• Martha Endell – A young woman of a bad reputation who helps Daniel Peggotty find his niece after she returns to London. She has worked as a prostitute, and been victim to the idea of suicide.
• Mr. Creakle – The harsh headmaster of young David's boarding school, who is assisted by Tungay. Mr. Creakle is a friend of Mr. Murdstone. He singles out David for extra torment. Later he becomes a Middlesex magistrate, and is considered enlightened for his day.
• James Steerforth – A close friend of David, he is of a romantic and charming disposition and has known David ever since his first days at Salem House. Although well-liked by most, he proves himself to be lacking in character by seducing and later abandoning Little Em'ly. He eventually drowns at Yarmouth with Ham Peggotty, who had been trying to rescue him.
• Tommy Traddles – David's friend from Salem House. They meet again later and become eventual lifelong friends. Traddles works hard but faces great obstacles because of his lack of money and connections. He eventually succeeds in making a name and a career for himself.
• Wilkins Micawber – A gentle man who befriends David as a young boy. He suffers from much financial difficulty and even has to spend time in a debtor's prison. Eventually he emigrates to Australia where he enjoys a successful career as a magistrate. He is based on Dickens' father, John Dickens.
• Mr. Dick (Richard Babley) – A slightly deranged, rather childish but amiable man who lives with Betsey Trotwood. His madness is amply described in as much as that he claims to have the "trouble" of King Charles I in his head.
• Dr. Strong – The headmaster of David's Canterbury school, whom he visits on various occasions.
• Anne Strong – The young wife of Dr. Strong. Although she remains loyal to him, she fears that he suspects that she is involved in an affair with Jack Maldon.
• Jack Maldon – A cousin and childhood sweetheart of Anne Strong. He continues to bear affection for her and tries to seduce her into leaving Dr. Strong.
• Mr. Wickfield – The father of Agnes Wickfield and lawyer to Betsey Trotwood. He is prone to alcoholism.
• Agnes Wickfield – Mr. Wickfield's mature and lovely daughter and close friend of David since childhood. She later becomes David's second wife and mother of their children.
• Uriah Heep – A wicked young man who serves as partner to Mr. Wickfield. He is finally discovered to have stolen money and is imprisoned as a punishment. He always talks of being "'umble" (humble) and nurtures a deep hatred of David Copperfield and many others.
• Mrs. Steerforth – The wealthy widowed mother of James Steerforth. She herself is incredibly like her son.
• Miss Dartle – A strange, vitriolic woman who lives with Mrs. Steerforth. She has a secret love for Steerforth and blames others such as Emily and even Steerforth's own mother for corrupting him. She is described as being extremely skinny and displays a visible scar on her lip caused by Steerforth. She is also Steerforth's cousin.
• Mr. Spenlow – An employer of David's during his days as a proctor and the father of Dora Spenlow. He dies suddenly of a heart attack while driving his phaeton home.
• Dora Spenlow – The adorable but foolish daughter of Mr. Spenlow who becomes David's first wife. She is described as being impractical and with many similarities to David's mother. She dies of illness on the same day as her dog, Jip.
• Mr.Sharp – He was the chief teacher of Salem House and had more authority than Mr.Mell.He looked weak,both in health and character;his head seemed to be very heavy for him:he walked on one side.He had a big nose.
• Mr.Mell – A tall, thin young man with hollow cheeks.His hair was dusty and dry too,with rather short sleeves and legs.

Karakter David Copperfield

• David Copperfield - Sebuah optimis, rajin, dan karakter gigih, dia adalah protagonis. Dia kemudian disebut "Trotwood Copperfield" oleh beberapa ( "David Copperfield" juga merupakan nama dari ayah pahlawan, yang meninggal sebelum David lahir). Dia memiliki banyak nama panggilan: James Steerforth julukan dia "Daisy", Dora menyebutnya "Doady", dan bibinya merujuk kepadanya, sebagai referensi kepada calon lain (jika dia telah lahir seorang gadis), dalam dan pada " Trot "- seperti dalam Trotwood Betsey Copperfield.
• Clara Copperfield - David ibu baik, digambarkan sebagai orang yang polos kekanak-kanakan, yang meninggal sementara David adalah di Salem House. Dia meninggal tepat setelah kelahiran anak keduanya, yang mati bersama dengan dia.
• Peggotty - hamba yang setia dari Copperfield keluarga dan teman seumur hidup kepada Daud (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Mrs Barkis setelah menikah dengan Mr Barkis). Mewarisi £ 3,000-jumlah besar pada pertengahan abad ke-19-ketika Mr Barkis meninggal. Setelah kematiannya, ia menjadi pelayan Betsey Trotwood.
• Betsey Trotwood - David's eksentrik dan temperamental tapi baik hati bibik; ia menjadi walinya setelah ia melarikan diri dari Grinby dan gudang di Murdstone Blackfriars (London). Dia hadir pada malam kelahiran Daud, tetapi daun setelah mendengar bahwa Clara Copperfield anak adalah anak laki-laki daripada perempuan.
• Mr Chillip - Seorang dokter yang pemalu di David membantu kelahiran dan wajah murka Betsey Trotwood setelah ia memberitahu kepadanya bahwa Clara bayinya laki-laki daripada perempuan.
• Mr Barkis - Sebuah menyendiri kusir yang menyatakan niatnya untuk menikah Peggotty. Dia berkata kepada Daud: "Katakan padanya, 'Barkis adalah willin'!" Begitu. " Dia adalah sedikit kikir, dan menyembunyikan mengejutkan cairan luas polos kekayaan dalam kotak berlabel "Old Clothes". Dia mewariskan kepada istrinya yang kemudian astronomi jumlah sebesar £ 3000 ketika ia meninggal sekitar sepuluh tahun kemudian.
• Edward Murdstone - Young David's kejam ayah tiri, yang tongkat dia untuk jatuh di belakang dalam studinya. Daud bereaksi dengan menggigit Mr Murdstone, yang kemudian mengirimkan dia ke Salem House, sekolah swasta yang dimiliki oleh temannya Mr Creakle. Setelah David ibu meninggal, Pak Murdstone mengirim dia untuk bekerja di pabrik, di mana ia harus membersihkan botol-botol anggur. Dia muncul di rumah Betsey Trotwood setelah David melarikan diri. Mr Murdstone tampaknya menunjukkan tanda-tanda pertobatan ketika dihadapkan dengan bibi Copperfield, tetapi kemudian dalam buku ini kita dengar dia telah menikah dengan wanita muda lain dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip lamanya "tegas."
• Jane Murdstone - Mr Murdstone's sama kejam lain, yang bergerak ke rumah Copperfield setelah menikah Clara Mr Murdstone Copperfield. Dia adalah "Rahasia Teman" Daud istri pertama, Dora Spenlow, dan mendorong banyak masalah yang terjadi antara David Copperfield dan Dora ayah, Mr Spenlow. Kemudian, ia bergabung kembali saudara laki-lakinya dan istri barunya dalam sebuah hubungan yang sangat banyak seperti yang mereka miliki dengan ibu David.
• Daniel Peggotty - Peggotty saudara; yang rendah hati, tetapi murah hati Yarmouth nelayan yang membawa keponakannya Ham dan keponakan Emily ke dalam tahanan setelah masing-masing dari mereka telah menjadi yatim piatu. Setelah keberangkatan Emily, ia melakukan perjalanan di seluruh dunia untuk mencari dia. Dia akhirnya menemukan dirinya di London, dan setelah itu mereka pindah ke Australia.
• Emily (Little Em'ly) - Seorang keponakan Mr Peggotty. Dia adalah teman masa kecil David Copperfield, yang mencintai dia di masa kecilnya hari. Dia meninggalkan sepupunya dan tunangannya, Ham, untuk Steerforth, tapi kembali setelah dia Steerforth gurun. Dia berpindah ke Australia dengan Mr Peggotty setelah diselamatkan dari London bordil.
• Peggotty Ham - yang baik hati keponakan dari Mr Peggotty dan tunangan Emily sebelum dia pergi dia untuk Steerforth. Dia kemudian kehilangan nyawanya ketika mencoba menyelamatkan seorang pelaut, yang kebetulan Steerforth, dari kapal karam. Kematiannya tersembunyi dari keluarganya karena fakta bahwa David tidak ingin mereka khawatir di ambang perjalanan mereka.
• Mrs Gummidge - Janda Daniel Peggotty mitra dalam sebuah perahu. Dia adalah menggambarkan dirinya "sendirian, malang creetur" yang menghabiskan banyak waktunya merindukan "lama 'un" (almarhum suaminya). Setelah Emily melarikan diri dari rumah dengan Steerforth, ia mengubah sikapnya untuk lebih menghibur semua orang di sekelilingnya dan berusaha untuk menjadi sangat perhatian dan keibuan. Dia juga berpindah ke Australia bersama Dan dan seluruh keluarga yang masih hidup.
• Martha Endell - Seorang wanita muda reputasi yang buruk yang membantu Daniel Peggotty menemukan keponakannya setelah ia kembali ke London. Dia telah bekerja sebagai pelacur, dan menjadi korban gagasan bunuh diri.
• Mr Creakle - kepala sekolah yang keras David muda sekolah asrama, yang dibantu oleh Tungay. Mr Creakle adalah teman dari Mr Murdstone. Dia single keluar David untuk ekstra siksaan. Kemudian ia menjadi hakim Middlesex, dan dianggap tercerahkan untuk hari.
• James Steerforth - Seorang teman dekat Daud, ia adalah seorang romantis dan menarik disposisi dan telah dikenal David pernah sejak hari pertama di Salem House. Meskipun sangat disukai oleh sebagian besar, ia membuktikan dirinya kurang dalam karakter oleh merayu dan kemudian meninggalkan Little Em'ly. Dia akhirnya tenggelam di Yarmouth dengan Peggotty Ham, yang telah berusaha untuk menyelamatkan dirinya.
• Tommy Traddles - teman David dari Salem House. Mereka bertemu lagi nanti dan akhirnya menjadi teman seumur hidup. Traddles bekerja keras tetapi menghadapi hambatan besar karena kurangnya uang dan koneksi. Dia akhirnya berhasil membuat nama dan karier untuk dirinya sendiri.
• Wilkins Micawber - Seorang pria yang lembut bersahabat dengan Daud sebagai seorang anak laki-laki. Dia menderita banyak kesulitan keuangan dan bahkan telah menghabiskan waktu dalam penjara debitur. Akhirnya dia berpindah ke Australia di mana ia menikmati karier yang sukses sebagai seorang hakim. Dia didasarkan pada Dickens 'ayah, John Dickens.
• Mr Dick (Richard Babley) - Sebuah sedikit gila, agak kekanak-kanakan tapi ramah pria yang tinggal dengan Betsey Trotwood. Kegilaan-Nya yang berlimpah dijelaskan dalam sebanyak mengklaim bahwa dia memiliki "masalah" dari Raja Charles I di kepalanya.
• Dr Kuat - Kepala sekolah Canterbury David sekolah, yang ia dilihat pada berbagai kesempatan.
• Anne Kuat - istri muda Dr Kuat. Meskipun dia tetap setia kepadanya, dia takut bahwa dia mencurigai bahwa dia terlibat dalam hubungan asmara dengan Jack Maldon.
• Jack Maldon - Seorang sepupu dan kekasih masa kecil Anne Kuat. Dia terus menanggung sayang padanya dan mencoba untuk menggoda ke meninggalkan Dr Kuat.
• Mr Wickfield - Ayah dari Agnes Wickfield dan pengacara untuk Betsey Trotwood. Ia cenderung alkoholisme.
• Agnes Wickfield - Mr Wickfield's matang dan cantik putri dan teman dekat Daud sejak kecil. Dia kemudian menjadi istri kedua David dan ibu dari anak-anak mereka.
• Uriah Heep - Seorang pemuda jahat yang berfungsi sebagai mitra untuk Mr Wickfield. Dia akhirnya menemukan telah mencuri uang dan dipenjarakan sebagai hukuman. Dia selalu berbicara sebagai " 'umble" (rendah hati) dan memelihara kebencian yang mendalam David Copperfield dan banyak lainnya.
• Mrs Steerforth - janda yang kaya raya ibu Yakobus Steerforth. Dia sendiri adalah luar biasa seperti anaknya.
• Miss Dartle - yang aneh, tajam wanita yang tinggal bersama Mrs Steerforth. Dia punya rahasia cinta Steerforth dan menyalahkan orang lain seperti Emily dan bahkan Steerforth ibu sendiri untuk merusak dirinya. Dia digambarkan sebagai orang yang sangat kurus dan menampilkan terlihat bekas luka di bibir disebabkan oleh Steerforth. Dia juga Steerforth sepupu.
• Mr Spenlow - Seorang majikan David selama hari-harinya sebagai pengawas dan ayah Dora Spenlow. Ia mati mendadak karena serangan jantung ketika sedang mengendarai Phaeton rumah.
• Dora Spenlow - The menggemaskan tapi bodoh putri Mr Spenlow yang menjadi istri pertama Daud. Dia digambarkan sebagai orang yang tidak praktis dan dengan banyak kesamaan dengan David ibu. Ia wafat karena sakit pada hari yang sama anjingnya, Jip.
• Mr.Sharp - Ia adalah guru kepala Salem House dan memiliki lebih banyak otoritas daripada Mr.Mell.He tampak lemah, baik di bidang kesehatan dan karakter; kepalanya terlihat sangat berat untuknya: ia berjalan di salah satu side.He telah hidung besar.
• Mr.Mell - A tinggi, pemuda kurus dengan rambut cheeks.His kosong berdebu dan kering juga, agak pendek dengan lengan dan kaki.


The Rookery

This is David's childhood home where he lives with his mother and Peggotty in good times and bad. It is named for bird nests on the roof, although birds do not live there.

This is the seaside town where Peggotty is from. Peggotty takes David to visit her family many times. David, in turn, brings Steerforth to meet them all. Here Steerforth meets Emily and puts together his plan to seduce her. Both Steerforth and Ham die in a storm off the coast of this town.

This is an area outside of London where Steerforth's mother lives. David visits the Steerforth home several times. When he works for Dr. Strong he lives in the same neighborhood and passes this house often.
Objek / Tempat

Yang heboh

Ini adalah masa kanak-kanak David rumah di mana dia tinggal bersama ibu dan Peggotty di saat baik dan buruk. Ini adalah nama untuk sarang burung di atap, burung meskipun tidak tinggal di sana.


Ini adalah kota tepi pantai di mana Peggotty adalah dari. Peggotty membawa David untuk mengunjungi keluarganya berkali-kali. Daud, pada gilirannya, membawa Steerforth untuk bertemu mereka semua. Sini memenuhi Steerforth Emily dan menempatkan bersama rencananya untuk menggoda. Baik Steerforth dan Ham meninggal dalam badai di lepas pantai kota ini.


Ini merupakan kawasan di luar London di mana ibu Steerforth kehidupan. David Steerforth mengunjungi rumah beberapa kali. Ketika ia bekerja untuk Dr kuat ia tinggal di lingkungan yang sama dan melewati rumah ini sering.
David Copperfield begins in Blunderstone Rookery, a house in rural Suffolk. The rooks no longer nested on the property, but David's father had liked the idea of living near a rookery. This home is an ideal setting in the years before his mother's second marriage. After she marries Murdstone, it becomes a prison with Murdstone and his equally "firm" sister as keepers.
Before this second marriage David goes with his nurse, Peggotty, to her native region, the seacoast near Yarmouth. Yarmouth, Dickens told his friend, John Forster, was "the strangest place in the wide world." It has miles of flat coast, an even sea, and marshes reaching toward the sea. Peggotty's brother Dan'l lives in a small house that has a roof made from the bottom of a boat.

David Copperfield dimulai di Blunderstone heboh, sebuah rumah di pedesaan Suffolk. The Rooks tidak lagi bersarang di properti, tapi ayah David menyukai ide tinggal dekat heboh. Rumah ini adalah pengaturan yang ideal di tahun-tahun sebelum ibunya perkawinan kedua. Setelah dia menikah Murdstone, itu menjadi sebuah penjara dengan Murdstone dan sama-sama "perusahaan" lain sebagai penjaga.

Sebelum pernikahan kedua ini David pergi dengan perawat, Peggotty, ke daerah asalnya, di pantai dekat Yarmouth. Yarmouth, Dickens mengatakan kepada temannya, John Forster, adalah "tempat paling aneh di dunia luas." Telah mil pantai yang datar, yang bahkan laut, dan rawa-rawa mencapai ke arah laut. Dan'l saudara Peggotty tinggal di sebuah rumah kecil yang memiliki atap yang terbuat dari dasar perahu.

Social Sensitivity

Dickens in David Copperfield is not as concerned as he usually is with "the condition of England question," Thomas Carlyle's term for Dickens' concern with the problems of contemporary English society. The overall tone of David Copperfield, and of Great Expectations, differs very much from Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, and Dombey and Son, which all preceded David Copperfield and from Bleak House and Little Dorrit, which came after it. The bildungsroman shows Dickens exploring his personality, tracing its origin and development. Social concerns do enter into the novel however. Salem House Academy is a school as brutal in its depiction of sadistic schoolmasters as the Yorkshire schools in Nicholas Nickleby. Dr.

Sensitivitas Sosial

Dickens dalam David Copperfield itu tidak peduli seperti biasa adalah dengan "kondisi pertanyaan Inggris," Thomas Carlyle istilah untuk Dickens 'perhatian dengan masalah-masalah kontemporer masyarakat Inggris. Nada keseluruhan David Copperfield, dan Great Expectations, sangat berbeda dari Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, dan Dombey dan Anak, yang semuanya didahului David Copperfield dan dari Bleak House dan Little Dorrit, yang datang setelah itu. Dickens yang menunjukkan bildungsroman mengeksplorasi kepribadiannya, menelusuri asal-usul dan perkembangan. Kepedulian sosial yang masuk ke dalam Namun novel. Rumah Salem Academy adalah sekolah sebagai brutal dalam penggambaran sadis Yorkshire Schoolmasters sebagai sekolah-sekolah di Nicholas Nickleby. Dr


Childhood Influences
David's narrative shows the many influences that shaped his childhood and made him into the man he eventually became. Much attention is paid to the way children are treated in England, particularly in regard to class status.
David's life has a series of ups and downs. At first he is a treasured son. Then he becomes a hated stepson. He has various experiences as a student, including a violent and tedious time at Salem House. David must also take on adult responsibilities as a child. At one point he is a ten-year-old child laborer trying desperately to make ends meet. He spends a period of time being homeless, trekking through the English countryside. Finally, his great aunt, Miss Betsey, helps him reestablish a carefree childhood, by taking him in to her home.

Childhood Pengaruh

David's narasi menunjukkan banyak pengaruh yang membentuk masa kanak-kanaknya dan membuatnya menjadi pria yang akhirnya menjadi. Banyak perhatian yang dibayarkan kepada anak-anak cara diperlakukan di Inggris, terutama dalam hal status kelas.

David hidup mempunyai serangkaian pasang surut. Mula-mula ia adalah putra berharga. Kemudian ia menjadi membenci anak tirinya. Dia memiliki berbagai pengalaman sebagai mahasiswa, termasuk kekerasan dan membosankan waktu di Salem House. David harus juga mengambil tanggung jawab orang dewasa sebagai seorang anak. Pada satu titik dia sepuluh tahun pekerja anak berusaha mati-matian untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Dia menghabiskan waktu menjadi tunawisma, trekking melalui pedesaan Inggris. Akhirnya, bibi-Nya yang besar, Miss Betsey, membantu dia membangun kembali masa kanak-kanak yang riang, dengan membawanya ke rumahnya.

Themes and Characters

The title character in David Copperfield presents himself, his life, and the people and experiences who have helped shape his personality by reconstructing them from memory. Copperfield becomes a novelist, after following a career in journalism for a number of years. Henry James insisted that a novelist is someone who forgets nothing in his lifetime. From childhood onward his mind closely observes the world about him.

Tema dan Karakter

Judul tokoh dalam David Copperfield menyajikan dirinya sendiri, hidupnya, dan orang-orang dan pengalaman yang telah membantu membentuk kepribadiannya dengan merekonstruksi mereka dari memori. Copperfield menjadi novelis, setelah mengikuti karir di bidang jurnalisme untuk beberapa tahun. Henry James menegaskan bahwa seorang novelis adalah seseorang yang melupakan apa-apa dalam hidupnya. Dari masa kanak-kanak dan seterusnya pikirannya dekat mengamati dunia tentang dirinya.

Points of View

The novel is told in the first person by the character of David Copperfield. Although he does relate some events that happened before he really remembers them, such as the day of his birth, for the most part he is limited to his own perspective. This allows the reader to see things from his child eyes with the understanding of an adult. It also keeps the reader in the dark about the events that go on around David without his knowledge. Many of the surprising events are announced this way, letting the reader pick up clues that David misses.
The novel takes place primarily in England during the nineteenth century. David's life is concentrated in Yarmouth, Dover, Canterbury, and London, though he frequently travels between them.

Points of View

Novel ini diceritakan dalam orang pertama oleh karakter David Copperfield. Meskipun ia berhubungan dengan beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi sebelum dia benar-benar ingat mereka, seperti hari kelahirannya, karena kebanyakan ia hanya terbatas pada perspektif sendiri. Hal ini memungkinkan pembaca untuk melihat sesuatu dari mata anaknya dengan pemahaman orang dewasa. Hal ini juga membuat pembaca dalam gelap tentang peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitar Daud tanpa pengetahuan. Banyak peristiwa yang mengejutkan diumumkan dengan cara ini, membiarkan pembaca mengambil petunjuk bahwa David misses.


Novel terjadi terutama di Inggris selama abad kesembilan belas. Kehidupan David terkonsentrasi di Yarmouth, Dover, Canterbury, dan London, meskipun ia sering bepergian di antara mereka.

Pengantar Linguistik Umum


Semantics is the study of meaning.
The meaning studied is divided into two, namely lexical meaning and sentential or structural meaning.
Lexical meaning refers to the meaning of words, which is mostly as an agreement of the community.

The meaning of words is related to some information concerning the words themselves.
If u hear the word book (noun), for example, we have in our mind that the word is not human, or an animal, but it is something specific related to things; it is concrete and it has certain features. This kind of information exists on the mind of everyone who knows the word, and in Semantics it is called the properties of the word. This is often called as semantic properties of a word.

Concerning Semantics, there three concepts to explore dealing with the meaning of word:
1.Form or expression: it is dealing with how a word is pronounced or expressed.
2.Concept: that is information on someone’s head or a message appears on someone’s mind when he/she hears a word.
3.referent: that is something related to the real world out of language to which a word refers to.

This three things are interrelated each other, and this relationship is called SEMANTIC TRIANGLE, because they makes up triangle relationship.

Word Referent
By looking at the diagram above we can see that there is a direct relation between A (concept) and B (word) and also A (concept) and C (referent). The relationship between B (word) and C (referent), however, is not direct as shown by the broken line. This is because of the fact that there is no obligatory relation between a word and what it refers to, and this is called arbitrary relation. To make it short, when someone say, let’s say, [amis] the Javanese would think that the word refers to something fishy. The sundanese, however, would think that the same word refers to something sweet, a kind of taste.

Lexical meaning also deals with two kinds of meaning those denotation and connotation.

Denotation or denotative meaning is when the words is meant to be the real world as it refers to. Let’s say, when someone mentions ‘dog’ in English and he is referring to a 4-legged flesh-eating animal, he uses a denotative meaning.

Connotation or connotative meaning is when the same word (dog) is meant to a person that he/she doen’t like, he uses connotative meaning.
Two words are homonymous when they have the same sound. They are pronounced in the same way and in the fact they different in meaning. Exp: flower n flour.
Flower means ground as the past participle of grind, whereas as flour is interpreting ground to mean ‘earth’.

Two words are called synonymous when they have almost the same meaning. For example: the word mother and mum are synonymous and so are the words father and daddy in English.

When two words have almost the opposite meaning it can be said that they are antonymous. The word long and short are example of antonym, because long is the opposite of short.


Pragmatics studies the meaning of the speaker. It studies the speaker’s intention of producing utterances.

Macam2 ujaran: constative n performative.

The utterance which is used for stating the truth without any other intention, is called constative. The utterance, however, which is used for performing an action is called performative.

Performative may be uttered explicitly or implicitly.
The explicit performatives are the ones which have performative verbs showing the action performed. The examples are as follows: promise for promising, request for requesting, order for ordering.
The implicit performatives are the ones which do not have performative verbs but show the action performed due to the existence of the action performed. For example, the utterance “I’ll come tomorrow”, shows a promise, although it does not have a performative verb.

Constatives may be defined as utterances used for stating the truth with no action performed. For example, the utterance “The sun rises in the East” does not imply another meaning. It refers to the state that people in the world believe the truth.

Utterance meaning (makna ujaran/tuturan):
1.Illocutionary :makna yang terbalik dari kata2 yang di ujarkan.

Illocutionary ada 5 macam:
1.Assertives: commit the speaker to the truth of the expresses proposition (tindakan yg menuntut penutur utk melakukan sesuatu seperti bagaimana yg diujarkannya. e.g. stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining.
2.Directive: are used to produce some effects through action by the hearer (ujaran yang tujuanny org lain melakukan sesuatu. E.g. ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, and recommending.
3.Commissives: commit the speaker to some future (ujarannya menuntut penutur untuk melakukan sesuatu hal di masa yg akan dating). E.g. promising, offering.
4.expressives have the function of expressing or making known the speaker’s psychological attitude toward a state of affairs which the illocution presupposes (ujaran yg digunakan penutur utk mengungkapkan/menyampaikan perasaan trhdp sesuatu. E.g. thanking, congratulating, pardoning, blaming, praising.
5.declarations are illocutions whose successful performance (ada syaratnya: ujaran yg mengubah keadaan. Contoh: ijab Kabul).e.g resigning, dismissing, christening, naming, appointing.

There are two principles which have to be applied in communication, namely cooperative principles and politeness principles.

4 cooperative principles (prinsip kerjasama): quantity (katakan sesuatu tidak kurang tidak lebih), quality (katakana sesuatu yang benar), relevance (jawaban seharusnya nyambung/sesuai dgn pertanyaan), manner (tegas/jelas/kata2 yg dituturkan/dijwb jelas tegas tdk bertele2.

6 politeness principles (prinsip kesantunan): tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, sympathy maxims.
Charlene: I hope u brought the bread and the cheese.
Dexter: Ah, I brought the bread.
Dexter violets quantity maxim to convey more than what he said. This phenomenon is called a conversational implicature. This violation is to maintain agreement maxim which tries to minimize disagreement between self and other. The contribution of Dexter violates one of the cooperative principle maxims, but it keeps one of the politeness principles.

Deixis (ujaran yang referentnya berubah2)

3 jenis deictic expression or deixis: person deixis (deixis orang): org pertma/ke2, tergantung siapa yg berbicara, org k3 biasanya konstan. ,
spatial deixis (deixis ruang): tergantung pada ruang yg dibicarakan (ini pensil, itu pensil :pensil ini dan pensil itu dipisahkan oleh jarak ), and
temporal deixis (deixis waktu): tergantung pada waktunya saat pembicara mengujarkan sesuatu.


Sosiolinguistics studies language in relation with the factors, such as sex, social status, region, situation, religion, accupation, race.

Language varieties, i.e. dialects, registers, styles, slangs, and jargon.

a dialect is a language variation which can be characterized in terms of its vocabulary items, pronunciation, and sometimes grammatical construction.

2 Dialects: regional and social dialects.

Regional dialects refer to the language used by people from different regions of the same language, whereas social dialects refer to the language used by people from different social groups of the same language.

Mutual intelligibility is caused by how many percents of the vocabulary that both the speakers from different groups who communicate can understand each other. For example, if the difference is about 20%, they can communicate each other even they find a few strange words. However, if there is 80% or 90% of the words that they don’t know, they’ll get difficulty in communicate.

Idiolek (kekhasan bahasa yg dimiliki seseorang).
Dialek tidak terlepas dari language community.

Styles: are also called situation dialects. They are different situations.
2 syles: formal styles (if the situation is formal, the language is formal), informal styles (if the situation is informal, the language used id informal). Informal styles are usually characterized by the use of contraction and slangs.

Slangs : slangs refer to the words used by a specific group of people, which are not openly used by common people. Slangs are familiar to a certain group but not to the others. For example, the slang used by among pickpockets in Java, is not recognized by common people. They say “cacing” to replace “kalung”. Another slang is used by teenagers. The word “doku” is to replace “uang”.

Registers : styles and registers are called situation dialects. Styles refer to the language associated with the situation they take place, whereas registers refer to the language used for occupational purposes.

Jargons: (bersifat ilmiah) jargons refer to the language used by different fields of study. (bidang ilmu tertentu/biasanya dipakai oleh para ahli tertentu). Linguistics has its own Jargon, for example phonology, morphology which do not exist in other fields of study. For example, morphology in medicine does not have the same meaning with the word morphology in Linguistics.

Code switching: In communication, people tend to change their code depending on the person they talk to. They may change their language to another language if they speak with the person who are competence in the language different from their native language.


Psycholinguistics (ilmu yg mempelajari tentang bagaimana hub manusia dgn pikiran) studies language production, language comprehension, and language acquisition. It studies language production in relation with the ability of human being in producing utterances or sentences to communicate to others.

Language acquisition refers to how children acquire their first language they are exposed to.

3 theories concerning how children acquire language:
1.children acquiring language by imitation: children may acquire language through imitation, but this leads to a problem. They never produce the utterances that are exactly the same as the utterances produced by adults around them. For example, when the adult speaks mama, they will produce mama, but the language they listen to is not.

2.children Acquiring by reinforcement (penekanana/dukungan): people believe that children acquire language by reinforcement. Reinforcement helps them produce language. They get reinforcement from the adults when they produce correct form. This approach is not fully accepted. analogy: For example, when the adult say “I painted a red barn”, children will say “I painted a blue barn”, or “I see a red barn”, or “I see a barn red”. However, this approach does not work since the last possible sentence is not accepted in English. The explanation shows that children construct their own language as the result of contacting with the adults. The way they construct their language can be characterized systematically. It means that they formulate grammatical rules from the simplest to the most complicated ones.

3 Stages in Language Acquisition: one word stage (single negative word,,allgone), First sentence stage (negative word added to beginning of sentence, want food), later sentence stage (negative element inserted between subject and predicate, e.g.He no bite you).

4 stages associated with ages: cooing stage (Gessel by 16 weeks), Babbling stage (Gessel by 28 weeks), One word stage (Gessel by 40 weeks), two word stage (Gessel by 18 months).

Language acquisition refers to the subconscious process of acquiring language. It means that when children acquire language they are not aware of the rules of applied in constructing sentences; even they are not aware of making errors.

Language learning refers to the process of conscious process of learning language. It is usually done in formal education with certain curriculum and syllabus, with certain materials, time and place, with certain teachers and instructions. Teachers correct their errors.

There are some factors that may influence the success of learning the second language. They are: age, and affective factors, i.e. motivation, self confidence, and anxiety.